Packing list
Here's a suggested list of items we recommend you pack before coming aboard our boat.
Wet weather clothing (Oilskins) or similar outdoor clothing.
Boots - sea boots or clean wellingtons (non-marking soles essential) Not needed if you think the weather will remain dry or you do not mind wet feet!
Deck Shoes - If trainers, ensure soles are non-marking.
Woolly hat (for Winter months). Sun hat or cap in summer.
Head torch (red light)
Sailing gloves or similar. These are not essential but help with handling ropes.
Personal Clothing appropriate to the length of your course and the weather. Make sure you will be warm enough on deck. It is usually cooler on the water than it is ashore and you should bear in mind wind chill. In cold weather bring several thermal layers so you can adjust the protection.
Toilet bag and towel. The yacht has two heads (toilet) compartments with a washbasin and a shower. However, the water tank capacity is insufficient for all crew to have showers each day so normally we only shower when there are shore facilities available. On courses of more than 2 or 3 days we will ensure at least one overnight stop is made somewhere with such facilities.
Bottled water if you do not wish to drink water from the boat.
Lanyard to keep your specs attached .
Seasickness pills (if you think you might need them)
Sun cream (for sensitive skin even in winter)
Sleeping bag. Note that berths have mattresses with a mattress protector fitted and a pillow is provided together with an undersheet and pillowslip.
Pack all this into a soft bag that can be folded flat for storage. There is no separate space to store luggage so you will have to share your berth with this bag.