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Navigating First Aid Certification for Yachtmaster Qualification: What You Need to Know

In order to qualify for an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Coastal certificate,

certain prerequisites must be met, including holding valid certifications in GMDSS Radio

Operations and First Aid. The RYA offers a 1-day First Aid course leading to certification.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the RYA has made exceptions, outlined as follows:

Flexible Options:

You can opt for the RYA First Aid Course or alternative first aid qualifications meeting

specific criteria.

A young man at the helm of a yacht

Minimum Requirements for First Aid Certification:

Duration: 1 day with at least 6 hours of instructional time.

Course Content:

- Understanding the first aider's role:

- Importance of preventing cross-infection

- Recording and/or reporting incidents and accidents

- Assessing scenarios for safe and effective emergency response

CPR Competency:

Ability to perform CPR according to current protocols, with knowledge of drowning


Recovery Position:

Understanding and adapting the recovery position for confined spaces.

First Aid Skills:

- Administering aid to unconscious individuals

- Identifying and controlling external bleeding

- Using various first aid equipment, including improvised solutions

- Recognising and treating shock, hypothermia, and reduced levels of response

Emergency Scenarios:

Proficiency in providing first aid for various conditions:

- Breathing difficulties

- Choking

- Chest pain

- Seasickness

- Diabetic emergencies

- Anaphylaxis

- Hyperthermia

- Fractures

- Seizures

- Burns and minor injuries

Equipment Selection:

Ability to choose appropriate first aid equipment for different situations.

Other Acceptable Certifications:

- MCA Proficiency in Medical First Aid

- MCA Proficiency in Medical Care

Accreditations for these courses vary between every 3 to every 5 years.

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